So you've decided you've seen enough here? As long as you're leaving anyway, here are some other sites we suggest you might visit: - Absolutely everything pertaining to everybody's favorite guitarist. - A very helpful site that brings together the veritable cournicopia of musical talent of lower Missouri. We're on there; if you scroll down their massive bands list, you can link back to this site. Neat! - Ah, the magical nightlife scene of Springfield, Missouri. You can find us listed among our fellow Springfield bands in the 'sound check' section. - Mr. Punch is a very fine experimental electronic rock band who has recently deputised Jason as a temporary bassist.

Here are some other bands we like. Have a look: - The official Radiohead site is a bit difficult to decipher, but is still worth a look. This is probably the best and most informative fansite for the band. Tell them idiot slowdown sent you! They won't care!! - Neutral Milk Hotel is one of Jason's favorite bands ever. Everybody should check them out. Everybody. You hear that, punks?